Telepathy (Compulsion), [Mindaffecting]
Level: Formbound Surger 7
Display: Material, Mental, and Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 levels)
Area: 1 mile surrounding any one location
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 13
This power can only be manifested on a non-living space that is stationary prior to the manifesting of the power. Once the power is manifested, any movement of the location causes the power to terminate immediately. Thus, most manifesters cast this power on large rocks, heavy statues, or other similar items that are not easily moved.
The power causes the target object to create an odor trail through the air that repels a specific kind of animal within 1 mile
of the manifestation. The particular kind of creature must be named specifically. Types and subtypes are not specific enough. [For example, “Tiger” would be specific enough whereas “Animal,” “Cat,” or even “Predatory Cat” would not be specific enough] Creatures of the named kind catch the odor trail and instinctively take the fastest known route away from the source only if they fail their save and are within the affected area. The compulsion to flee the area is overwhelming assuming the animal fails the save. Only a successful save prevents a creature of the named kind from being driven out of the affected area. Should the animal that successfully saves remain in or reenter the affected area 20 minutes after the first save they must make a new save to see if they are driven out of the area. Creatures who fail any save against the noxious odor will stay out of the area for the entire time that the power remains in effect.
Noxious odor counters and completely dispels touch of pheremones. This power is only effective if there are examples of the named type within the area of effect for the power.
Augment: This power may be augmented in one or more of the following ways.
- If you spend an additional 2 power points the noxious odor can drive away a specific type of intelligent animal, magical/psionic animal, or phrenic animal; however these animals receive a +2 resistancebonus to their save to resist the effect.
- If you spend an additional 4 power points the noxious odor can repulse a specific type of plant creature instead of an animal.
- If you spend 2 points in addition to either of the prior two augments, you can have this power only repulse a single intelligent animal, magical/psionic animal, phrenic animal, or plant creature with whom you are familiar (you have met, you know the name others of their kind call them, etc). In this case, other creatures of the same kind as the specific individual that you name are not affected by this power.
- Every 2 power points spent to augment this power increases the save DC by 1.